Friends of George: Tinder Australia Director of Communications, Kirsty Dunn

Friends of George
Team George

Friends of George: clever humans we love and admire, who love storytelling as much as we do.

Who: Kirsty Dunn, Director of Communications, Tinder Australia

What: I’m responsible for all things comms and PR for Tinder Australia – both consumer-facing and corporate.

There’s never a dull day.

Favourite social platform: “INSTAGRAM! Showing my age here, that’s my key part. It perfectly blends business and pleasure. Even when I was in New York, what got me through lockdown was Pedestrian. I love their headlines, I love that they swear… it makes me happy.”

Secret content vice: “Anything authentic. Such a big thing for me. All of the data with Gen Z… I’m also just a huge believer in test and learn. You don’t know what you don’t know. If it doesn’t work, try it in a different way. Or don’t do it again. Just give it a go!

Follow Kirsty here and here.